Time-series chest MRI analysis


Visualization and Analysis of Motion of Thoracoabdominal Organs

Tan Xiao, Yoshitada Masuda, Tomoki Nishikawa, Windra Swastika

The-4dimensional magnetic resonance imaging (4D-MRI) is an imaging technique that reconstructs a 3D MRI with time series from a set of time sequential images of 2D MR. We developed an automatic process to reconstruct 4D-MRI using an intersection profile method. The automatic process includes the extraction of diaphragm boundary and respiratory motion from time-series 2D-MRI. We also performed a prospective method to reconstruct 4D-MRI in order to shorten the acquisition time while maintaining the quality of 4D-MRI. Although the prospective method is only in simulations using previously fully acquired data sets, it successfully reduced acquisition time of data slices up to 75%.

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胸腹部4DMRIの画像例 抽出された横隔膜の運動
