
日時:2019年4月19日(金) 17:00 - 18:00

Date and Time: April 19, 2019  17:00 - 18:00

場所:千葉大学 フロンティア医工学センターB棟1階会議室 (西千葉キャンパス)

VENUE: 1F Building B of Center for Frontier Medical Engineering, Chiba University

Dr. George C Cardoso (Universidade de São Paulo)


Development of low-cost non-invasive optical imaging diagnostics tools


In this talk, I will briefly review the results of our ongoing experiments on

·Capillary Refill Time using an RGB camera,

·Empirical determination of PPG pulse decomposition to minimize the uncertainty of abdominal aorta pulse transit time.

·Measurements aiming to quantify radiodermatitis in women undergoing radiotherapy using an RGB camera. Variability of skin melanin content both in the same subject with time and especially between different subjects is an issue.

·Forearm epidermis optical attenuation coefficient time-dependence: an OCT study. Does arterial pulsation modulate the epidermis optical attenuation coefficient?

I will also briefly introduce the University of São Paulo, the bio-medical centered campus in Ribeirão Preto and our Medical Physics department, as well as a summary of the research lines of my colleagues.

Coordinator:Hideaki Haneishi

