
日時:2019年3月11日(月) 16:30 - 17:30

Date and Time: March 11, 2019  16:30-17:30

場所:千葉大学 フロンティア医工学センターB棟1階会議室 (西千葉キャンパス)

VENUE: 1F Building B of Center for Frontier Medical Engineering, Chiba University

Dr. Daniel McDuff (Microsoft Research)

"Imaging Photoplethysmography from the Lab to the Real World"


Imaging-based, non-contact measurement of physiology (including imaging photoplethysmography and imaging ballistocardiography) is a growing field of research. There are several strengths of imaging methods that make them attractive. They remove the need for uncomfortable contact sensors and can enable spatial and concomitant measurement from a single sensor. Furthermore, cameras are ubiquitous and often low-cost solutions for sensing. I will present an overview of the field and some of the latest work leveraging deep convolutional neural networks for non-contact image-based physiological measurement and magnification. These networks produce state-of-the-art results, especially in the presence of large body motions.

I will then show how these techniques can be used to gather large scale and longitudinal cardiac measurements. I'll show how other image-based sensing can be used to complement these measurements to help us understand diurnal and circadian patterns in physiological states and emotions.

Coordinator:Hideaki Haneishi

**Thank you for the meaningful and valuable lecture**

