January 29 (Tue), 2019
Third International Symposium on Multimodal Medical Engineering (MME)
- 第3回マルチモーダル計測医工学国際シンポジウム-
Venue: Chiba University, Engineering Research Building 2 Conference Room
(千葉大学西千葉キャンパス工学系総合研究棟2 2階コンファレンスルーム)
〒263-8522 1-33, Yayoi-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba 263-8522, Japan
※ Download Leaflet (ポスターのダウンロードはこちらから) Organized by:
“Multimodal Medical Engineering project” in Strategic Priority Research
Promotion Program, Chiba University
Supported by:
Institute for Global Prominent Research, Chiba University
Opening remarks 10:10-10:15
Minoru Seki, Executive Director, Chiba University
Overview of MME 10:15-10:30
Hideaki Haneishi, PI of MME, Chiba University
Session 1: Outcome of the MME project 10:30-11:30 10min x 6
“Development of portable device for capillary refilling time measurement”
Toshiya Nakaguchi, CFME, Chiba University
“Image analysis and registration between pathological and ultrasonic images”
Takashi Ohnishi, CFME, Chiba University
“Image analysis of microcirculation in rat skin”
Kazuya Nakano, CFME, Chiba University
“Application of chirp-encoded excitation for acoustic microscopy at ultra-high
frequency ultrasound”
Kazuyo Ito, Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University
“Development of double Nakagami distribution model for quantitative evaluation
of an echo signal form fatty-liver disease”
Kazuki Tamura, Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University
“Development of an anti-tumor immunotherapy exploiting sentinel lymph node
Yiting ZHANG, Graduate School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Chiba University
Poster session 11:30-12:30(Papers from Chiba University)
1 Electromagnetic energy absorption of human head close to Wi-Fi base station
・Kosuke Nishino, Kazuyuki Saito
2 Metal artifact reduction for CT Image using convolutional neural network
・Yuki Onagi, Takumi Kodama, Takuma Hashimoto, Joji Ohta, Hiroyuki Takaoka,Hajime Yokota, Takuro Horikoshi, Yoshio Kobayashi, Yasukuni Mori, Hiroki Suyari
3 Biodistribution analysis of LP-ICG-C18 in mouse
・Yuki Tange, Hideki Hayashi
4 Charactaristic analysis of NIR-bubble contrast agents
・Yusei Shibata, Hideki Hayashi
5 Application of ultrafast plane wave imaging for quantitative skin diagnosis
・Masaaki Omura, Tadashi Yamaguchi
6 Detection of lymph vessel by active contrast ultrasonic method
・Katsuya Saito, Tadashi Yamaguchi
7 Extraction method of confidence region in viscoelasticity map of MR elastography
・Yuri Suganuma, Mikio Suga
8 Improving operation method of upper limb exoskeletal assist suit to support
scopists in endoscopic surgery
・Ryota Yamada,Hiroshi Kawahira,Yoshihiro Shimomura,Kazuya Kawamura
9 Features extraction for tissue tracking and scale estimation using the
guided filter for WaFLES surgery
・Mika Kontto, Ryoichi Nakamura
10 Magnetic resonance electrical property tomography dimensionality reduction;
Principal Component Analysis and manifold transformation learning
・Adan Garcia, Wenwei Yu
11 CNN-based region segmentation for tongue diagnosis
・Tingxiao Yang, Yuichiro Yoshimura, Akira Morita, Takao Namiki, Toshiya Nakaguchi
12 Analysis of capillary refilling time characteristics and development
of portable measuring device
・Masayoshi Shinozaki, Rui Kawaguchi, Taka-aki Nakada, Hideaki Haneishi, Shigeto Oda, Toshiya Nakaguchi
13 Relationship analysis between pathological tissue characteristics and
acoustic characteristics on glioma
・Shu Kashio,Takashi Ohnishi,Takuya Ogawa,Kazuyo Ito,Seiichiro Hirono,Tadashi Yamaguchi,Yasuo Iwadate,Hideaki Haneishi
14 Oximetry technique of tissue microcirculation based on sidestream dark-field imaging
・Ryohei Hashimoto, Tomohiro Kurata, Masashi Sekine, Kazuya Nakano, Takashi Ohnishi, Hideaki Haneishi
Lunch 12:30-13:30
Session 2: Keynote Lectures 13:30-16:15 45min × 3
“A man-portable MRI imager & the non-linear gradient image reconstruction”
Huang Shaoying, Singapore University of Technology and Design
“MR Elastography: principle, clinical applications and standardization”
Jun Chen, Mayo Clinic
Coffee Break 15:00-15:30
“Pathology digital imaging: Beyond pathology”
Yukako Yagi, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Closing remarks
Tadashi Yamaguchi, Chiba University
Reception 17:00-19:00 Restaurant Colza in Chiba University
Registration for the Reception(Free Admission for lectures)
Registration can be done through e-mail with
・Your name
to: e.yamaguchi(at)chiba-u.jp *replace (at) by @
Charge: 2,000 yen/person (in the plan) *Payment on site. Cash only
メールの件名 【懇親会:国際シンポジウム】
参加費 2,000円(予定)は、受付で現金にてお願いいたします。
Hideaki Haneishi (Professor)
E-mail : haneishi(at)faculty.chiba-u.jp
(in the e-mail address, replace (at) by @.)
Phone/Fax 043-290-3405(direct)