


International Seminar Series on Biomedical Engineering

日時:2010年10月13日(金) 17:00 - 18:00
場所:千葉大学CFME B号棟1階会議室 (西千葉キャンパス)


John Chee
Principal Lecturer, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore


Development of a Personal Cardiac Telemonitoring System


Promising results from laboratory research work often lead researchers
to dream of many useful applications. The researcher may dream about
turning his research finding into a useful device to positively impact
and contribute to society. However, the reality is that the journey is
still very long.

Many parties must come together and collaborate to translate the finding
into a practical reality. A funding agency must provide adequate funds
to form a dedicated R&D group for product development. The target
end-user must specify realistic needs and wants, and provide a positive
test-bedding environment. A commercial party must identify market
opportunities and provide broad directions to the technical team, so
that the development will proceed in a manner that is suitable for
commercialisation. And the management of the institution must provide a
conducive environment for the researcher to interact with the
development team and tap his expertise.

In this talk I will trace through the journey that Ngee Ann
Polytechnic has gone through in bringing a research result into a
commercial application, using the development of a personalised cardiac
monitoring system as an example. Various issues will be covered
including some technical ones to help the audience get a realistic feel
of the whole journey.


山口 匡(E-mail : yamaguchi[at]faculty.chiba-u.jp)